Friday, March 9, 2012

Sushi love!

So today I went on a interview for a job I really really want! If I get the job I'm going to start working at a sushi restaurant!! It makes me happy just thinking about it but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet, I'll just become so sad if I don't get it. The interview went pretty good I think and "The boss" said he'll probably call me within a week or so and tell me what he thinks!
I had to wait for a long while before he could talk to me because they had so many customers at the time. He apologized to me and I got free sushi! I was so surprised haha! >w<

I actually got 8 pieces of sushi but I had already eaten two of them when I realized that I wanted to take a photo for the blog haha. Let's hope I get this job!

Other than that I hope you like my new header on the blog! Until next time...
Bai bai~


  1. Your new header is awesome *w*... you're so beautifull!
    And I really really really hope for the best about your job!

  2. Replies
    1. Khoki sushi! Antingen i gbg eller i Ale!(Han äger tydligen 5st olika o.o'')
